Weekly Notices

Prayer for the week

Eternal God, we ask that in a world of inequity you steer us to acknowledge the needs of those who do not enjoy the same benefits that we share. As this summer of sport continues may we have a wider perspective on the world and recognise the talents and skills of individuals irrespective of race, politics and beliefs. We pray for the unifying effect that sport can bring internationally. Amen


WEEKLY NOTICES 14th to 21st July 2024

Sunday 14th

9 -10.15am         eMerge Breakfast                              

10.30am             Morning Worship including Holy Communion conducted by Revd Adam Payne

                          Today’s stewards are Hilary and Nancy.

The flowers today have been given and arranged by Barbara S in memory of her parents whose 80th wedding anniversary would have been on 15th July.

Tea and Coffee will be served in the River Room following the service

3pm                   Circuit Service at Byfleet Methodist Church to include farewell to Revd Sidney Samuel Lake and his family   

Monday 15th July

5.30pm               Beavers (Hall/River Room)

Tuesday 16th

5pm                   Brownies (Hall/River Room)

Wednesday 17th

10-11am             Godaltots (Hall/River Room)

 Thursday 18th

4.30pm               Rainbows (Hall /River Room)

6pm                    Cubs (Hall /River Room)

7.30pm               Scouts (Hall /River Room)

Friday 19th

12 -1.30pm         Friday Lunches (River Room)

2.10pm               Qui discussion group (River Room)

Saturday 20th

3-5pm                Messy Church “The Wonderful Catch”

Sunday 21st

10.30am             Morning Worship led by Mrs Jane Briggs

6pm                   Snackchat (Youth Club)

Advance Notices

Friday 26th         2pm Hobbies group (River Room)

Saturday 27th      8.30am CTiGD Prayer Breakfast at Milford Baptist Church

Sunday 28th        Mission/Fairtrade Stall in the hall following the morning service

Methodist Prayer Handbook 2024/25

The Methodist Handbook is published each year to cover the church year, September to August. It contains prayers for every day of the year as well as suggested bible readings and hymns. If you would like to purchase the 2024/5 Prayer Handbook entitled “Praise and Protest ” priced £4.50 + postage and packaging please can you let Sylvia know by Sunday 28th July? There are copies of this year’s handbook in the magazine rack in the foyer or alternatively ask Sylvia if you would like to look at one. 

Please let Sylvia (sylvia.knollquarry@gmail.com) have any notices for next Sunday by Wednesday evening.